Hi Martina,
I just wanted to thank you once again for your tremendous care, expertise and warmth over the past two months. I can't believe the difference our time together has made to lightening the load I was carrying and the space that's opened up within. By way of testimonial, in my experience, your approach worked particularly well because it got directly into my subconscious mind and politely closed off any possibility of my tweaking the answers, saying the 'right things' or subverting the process by applying my own logic to it. I'm pretty good at that! You were 100% supportive and focussed on getting me to arrive at my own truth - that of being connected, unique and worthy - and the karmic effect of engaging with life in this way has been immediately beneficial. The 'war' that was going on is over now - I knew it was, but because my head and body were separated from one another I couldn't believe it in every part of myself; you've helped make this an instinctive reality and allowed me to get on with more liberating activities, rather than internal problem-solving that goes round and round in tight circles. I'm sure I'll talk to you again, but for now I just wanted to give you this feedback, which you can freely use as promo quotes on your website.
Al Robinson, South Tipperary, Ireland
I just wanted to thank you once again for your tremendous care, expertise and warmth over the past two months. I can't believe the difference our time together has made to lightening the load I was carrying and the space that's opened up within. By way of testimonial, in my experience, your approach worked particularly well because it got directly into my subconscious mind and politely closed off any possibility of my tweaking the answers, saying the 'right things' or subverting the process by applying my own logic to it. I'm pretty good at that! You were 100% supportive and focussed on getting me to arrive at my own truth - that of being connected, unique and worthy - and the karmic effect of engaging with life in this way has been immediately beneficial. The 'war' that was going on is over now - I knew it was, but because my head and body were separated from one another I couldn't believe it in every part of myself; you've helped make this an instinctive reality and allowed me to get on with more liberating activities, rather than internal problem-solving that goes round and round in tight circles. I'm sure I'll talk to you again, but for now I just wanted to give you this feedback, which you can freely use as promo quotes on your website.
Al Robinson, South Tipperary, Ireland