Come Take A Journey Through........
The Evolution of Consciousness
Scientific Facts / Psychological Truths
How Beliefs are Formed
Liberation from Belief Systems
Self-Healing / Placebo / Miracles
Biofeedback Demonstrations
Trance State Exploration
Quantum Physics, Matter, Space and Time
Energy Dynamics
Cellular Memory
What is "KNOWING"?
The Power of KNOWING is an ingeniously simple journey with Martina Finnerty PhD, through a series of understandings and realisations, to a place of KNOWING. There is a distinct difference, upon hearing something important for our wellbeing, between taking it in as an interesting/useful piece of information [when this happens, it is stored in our mind like DATA in a computer] and incorporating it, through MIND, so that it becomes REALISED within and integrates into our being, thus influencing our function henceforth. Every human mind has stored and active Belief Systems picked up during life, and these continually generate our perceptions of ourselves and thus our lived experience. Every human being also has a core seed self that came into this life with them; this seed self is full of potential, creativity, love and an infinite source of ineffable gifts and power. The presence of this inherent power is clear when we study the placebo effect, miracle healing's, and the resilience and creativity of those who have survived even the most horrendous of life experiences. When we bring into consciousness and know intellectually ("know") the difference between functioning through invalid and limiting BELIEF SYSTEMS and functioning from and through our KNOWING core seed selves, then we can free ourselves to live our life in response to the stream of infinite and profoundly powerful and wise energy that is available to us through our core seed self. Thus free, we shift from living our life experience in response to triggers, conditioning and mistaken-beliefs and step into living the Potential that comes from and through KNOWING. Come enjoy this profound and yet simple Journey through realisations that are designed to shift consciousness from the influence of Negative and self- limiting beliefs into the Freedom and Paradise of Living From and Through KNOWING: COME EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF KNOWING:
A Series of 6 Seminar/Workshops Held Weekly..... Click Here To Locate the Next Event
A Note from Martina
“People always ask me; “what will I get from this course? How will it improve my love life, my finances, my health, my confidence…etc!?” Organisers of my events will also often ask “but what is the value for the client, what are you giving them Martina they need to know before they can commit time and money to this?” It is totally understandable to feel more comfortable committing our time and money to a product when the product can be defined for us. I am writing this note as a means of explaining this phenomenon I call the POWER OF KNOWING
When I started giving this course in 2009; my objective was just to show people, through scientific proof and lots of other material, the Power of Their Minds and to do so in an easy to understand and real way. I believed when I began to prepare this course (2006) that there was a real lack of connection occurring in people; a lack of connection with their inherent, powerful, core. I believed then (and still do today) that this was due to a combination of factors that have left people either not knowing the facts and/or not truly believing them and/or not being able to integrate and process all the facts in a meaningful way!!! My sole objective became the delivery of information in a manner that overcame these issues. So I prepared and began delivering this course. Then the next phase began all on its own!! The profound and fantastic positive changes that began to happen in the lives of so many of those who had attended! Like Max, who learned to feel proud of and stand over the word “NO” for the first time in her life… what followed was her saying “YES” to herself, to her needs and desires. She got her first ever position of employment, her first professional qualification and freed herself from a very damaging relationship. Then there was Andy who opened himself to the possibility of finding true love (even though he didn’t believe it at the time- during class 3) and who subsequently totally engaged in a self-exploration that highlighted the key beliefs that were blocking his relationship vibes….. he is now in his first EVER long term relationship and shared with me recently that – “this could be the one!” Claire overcame her intense fear of heights and went on a skiing holiday, including ski lift rides!!! Only 10 days after finishing the course!! Then there was Billy who gave up the “jar” and became a happier, healthier man. Billy, who by the way also reported having a completely comfortable back at our last follow-up workshop. (Where did that come from !!!) Yeah! He told us all, that his back had been at him for years and for over 6 months now – not a twinge. These are an exaomple of the range of positive experiences that have happened to many people after attending... and this effect was completely unexpected; and yet very welcome. However, it started me asking a very important question : why? Why did the change happen? What was it about the message; or what that person "got" from the course, that created this shift within them? The whole course is designed to open the conscious thinking rational mind to more than what it is consciously aware of most of the time; to open the mind to the possibility (at the very least) that there is an inherent KNOWING that can when tapped into facilitate incredible healing, courage and wisdom.... When doubt is softened and hope and inspiration is kindled through knowledge and discussion; through demonstrations and fun, through sharing and challenging...... then something very special has the potential to happen...... I now realise that at least part of the answer to the question "how?"; lies in one very simple statement: "When someone KNOWS they can, they generally do"..."
Welcome to the POWER OF KNOWING.